Homecoming 2014 and BOT Meeting Update

1146503_10152854245399887_6239026968610510038_nHello Gamma Zeta Alumni,

We celebrated Homecoming Weekend October 24-25 and it was a most enjoyable time to be a Tau from Gamma Zeta Chapter.

Dane Luhrsen’77, Jeff McGill ’73, and Parker Pevitz ’16 organized everything from a wonderful catered brunch in our newly renovated Dining Room to a post game victory cocktail party in the West Living Room . It even included music supplied from our newly renovated baby grand piano! It even included a rare Illinois Big Ten victory!!

It was good seeing more and more alumni returning to the House and see/hear them relive stories of their undergraduate years at Illinois. As our friends ,relatives , and spouses can attest , we never get tired of telling the same old stories as if they just had happened months ago instead of decades.

I also want to take this opportunity to call out the current Undergraduate Executive Committee and all members for getting the House looking so good ( almost like the good old days) and for acting as such tremendously kind and generous hosts for the weekend. Speaking for all the Alums present , we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and encourage you to keep pushing toward the return of everything that makes ATO so special and to its rightful status as the “best fraternity on campus, bar none”.

To that end , the entire undergraduate membership , including new member candidates ( all 40 of them!) are about to enter their second phase of the”Authentic Chapter Elevation” program that has been developed by a highly regarded Leadership Consultancy called Plaid Partners. Our men have enthusiastically given up a few precious weekends so that they might change and elevate the culture within Gamma Zeta and guide themselves toward building a positive fraternity experience consistent with the noble principles of our founders. Its a big job and has cost a considerable amount of money in addition to time, but I am confident that it will be an investment that will pay huge future dividends.

Most alumni attendees at Homecoming weekend would agree that we have turned the corner and that the future for Gamma Zeta Chapter has not looked so bright for years. I invite you to see the place and meet the members yourselves.

Our work, in many ways, has just begun and and we need you to “come home” soon.

Pictures from Homecoming – More pictures from Homecoming


Jack Klues
Gamma Zeta Board of Trustees

Posted in Announcements, ATO Alumni News, Events.