Andrew Selby ’10 forms ATO Illinois Linkedin “subgroup” for Marketing/Advertising

selbyAndrew Selby ’10, Account Executive at Leo Burnett, has formed a “subgroup” within our ATO Illinois Linkedin group specifically for guys who have focused their career around Marketing and Advertising. This will provide a great way for these guys to network with each other, share ideas and post job opportunities. Younger members of our network can easily find more experienced guys for coaching and mentoring support. Guys who have moved up the chain can find great candidates for roles they need to fill. AND… any of our other members who may need to hire marketing or advertising support will be able to look first to see of a brother can help fulfill a need they have, answer questions or provide referrals. We have an incredible group of guys in the advertising/marketing space from first year account executives to CEOs of some of the top agencies in the country (see “How 2 Brothers (Gamma Zeta’s Rob ‘84 and Mike ‘83 Buchner) Became CEOs Of Rival Ad Agencies Just A Block Apart” – . Thanks Andrew for taking the lead on this!

To join the Gamma Zeta Marketing/Advertising Linkedin subgroup go to:

If anyone would like to start similar subgroups in other areas, please contact

To join the ATO Illinois Linkedin Group, go to: We now have over 500 members in our group and I’d encourage everyone to join!!

Posted in Announcements, ATO Alumni News.

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