Bob Cavoto ’75 to lead new Alumni “Innovation” Committee

cavotoBob Cavoto ’75, Managing Principal, 20-20 Foresight Executive Search & Executive Marketing, has agreed to lead a new alumni committee to support Gamma Zeta undergrads who have innovative ideas for new products and businesses. We have tremendous resources within our alumni network across nearly every discipline. We also have an incredibly bright and fearless group of undergrads who look at products, businesses and technologies through an entirely different lens. This new committee is being formed to develop ways to link alumni support, idea enhancement, networking, coaching and possibly even funding to our undergrads who have new and innovative product, technology and business ideas. They will also encourage and promote the undergrads to bring forward ideas and think in innovative ways.

Here are just a few comments from alumni who have already agreed to support this initiative:

“I like the idea of fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship among the current undergraduates.”

Kyle Cushing ’11, Deloitte Consulting

“I have been in medicine now for thirty years. I have seen a lot of new products that were very simple, common sense products that were needed, but never developed. It would be great if Gamma Zeta could make a difference.”

Dr. Steven Lamb ’75, President, Urology Partners, Inc.

“I’ve always wondered why one of the world’s best engineering programs isn’t better supported by an entrepreneurship initiative and doesn’t launch more companies from undergrad ideas. There’s no reason we should trail schools like Stanford and Harvard in this category. Our engineering students are just as smart, if not smarter than those at these other schools, and with more of them, that should only give rise to more new companies. It’s great that Gamma Zeta is taking the lead.”

Richard Lee ‘03 – Senior Vice President, Legal Counsel, Livevol, Inc.

YouTube, PayPal and many other recent success stories have risen from ideas generated by University of Illinois undergrads. Let’s generate the next one from Gamma Zeta!! Send Bob a note at if you would be interested in getting involved.


Posted in Announcements.

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