You’re Invited!!! December 20 – Annual ATO Holiday Get Together in Chicago

  • Holiday party 2013What:                      Annual ATO Holiday Get Together in Chicago
  • Who:                       Gamma Zeta ATOs of all ages, friends and family
  • Date:                        Friday, December 20
  • Time:                       3:30 PM – ~7:00 PM
  • Location:               South Branch Tavern & Grille

100 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606
Chicago, IL 60601

  • Post Party:            Boss Bar – ~7:00 – ???

420 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60610

This is our annual, informal, stop by and say hello, buy a brother a beer, post work, extended happy hour. Don’t miss it!! It’s a lot of fun. Please pass this on to any others who you think would be interested.

Posted in Announcements, ATO Alumni News, Events.

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