Today was one of the most difficult and tiring… but most rewarding

by Dr. Tom Sullivan ’78

Day # 2 of Treatment… gotta say today was one of the most difficult and tiring… but at the same time most rewarding days I’ve ever spent here… Long climb into the mountain reveals the most beautiful views of Honduras … To the remote village in Santa Domingo… I’ll try to get some pictures from the others on the team and share them later…

Today’s patients were great !! … But their teeth were stubborn and difficult… My thoughts for today center on the Honduran team members who act as our interpreters and “assistants”, and the college students who spend their spring break here with us instead of on a beach with their friends…

First, meet Samuel and Mario from Honduras… Nice selfies !!! These guys are vitally important to our work… They communicate instructions, treatment and help triage their people with incredible passion and compassion ! And they try to teach me how to speak their language … Good luck with that !!! 10985401_796725810419654_6113040757626928944_n 11021162_796725787086323_2121545079598534293_n

And the “Gator Girls” have been able and willing to jump into becoming awesome assistants….. Whether it’s retracting a cheek, clearing a bleeding socket, cutting a suture, drying a tear or just holding a hand, we are a better team because of their work!
More team members to follow in next posts…!!11051829_796725863752982_7368300769941037289_n11038919_796725883752980_7452706708542210857_n


Tomorrow we take a break and reorganize for the last two days… Keep us on the prayer list…

Posted in 2015 Honduras, ATO Alumni News, Community Service.

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