Ray Tiernan ’13 – 2015 Chicago Take Steps for Crohn’s And Colitis


This spring marks the 10 year observance of my diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. In celebration of my current state of health, I am asking friends and family to get together and support an organization that supports local patient programs, as well as important research projects.

Take Steps is CCFA’s national walk, the nation’s largest event dedicated to finding cures for digestive diseases. It is a casual 2-3 mile stroll to raise money for crucial research for Crohn’s and Colitis. Over 1.6 million American adults and children are affected by these digestive diseases.

This cause is very important to me and I appreciate your help as we fight for cures! If you are unable to join me on the day of the event [May 30th, 9am, Montrose Harbor] please donate towards my team’s goal!   Here’s the link –




Posted in ATO Alumni News, Community Service.

One Comment

  1. Dear Ray, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2000 and probably had the disease
    long before that. Almost did not make it but I’m still kicking. I think there are millions more that have the disease but like me did not look for it till some serious symptoms show up. Thank you for your efforts and good luck, Mike Perkins

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