Patrick Jensen ’98

p_patrick_jensenFour Years of ATO Not Enough for Patrick J. Jensen ’98

“Alpha Tau Omega was a major piece of my life for four years,” says Patrick J. Jensen ’98. “It didn’t make sense to abandon that once college was over.” Patrick still stays active with ATO as House Corporation President. “A lot of alumni donated time and energy before me building the chapter to what it is today. I had a great experience in the house and want to make sure that continues for others.”

“Most brothers look back at their ATO experience as a great time, filled with memorable moments and outstanding friendships. As a member of House Corp., I want to keep the alumni informed on the chapter activities, the continued success of the chapter and to help make connections among alumni and undergraduates. We have a great team of people on the House Corporation who volunteer their time to continue the tradition.”

Patrick’s love of fraternity started as a respect for Greek life in general. “Family and friends told me how much the Greek system offered. I chose ATO because of the principles of the fraternity, the reputation of the chapter and the quality of the brothers.” Patrick has fond memories of his collegiate days. He played baseball for two years, was on the Student Alumni Association and involved with several philanthropic organizations, but his favorite memories are those of ATO where he held several offices. There were intramural sports, road trips, football games, philanthropies, formals and the simple everyday experiences of fraternity life. He lived in the house for three years – two years with pledge brother Greg Foster; senior year with Matt Zieba.

Patrick continues to maintain close friendships with Greg and Matt as well as many other ATOs who live in the Chicago area. “Between social gatherings, weddings and golf, we see each other regularly. However, as he meets more alumni, he thinks additional alumni events would be great. “I’d like to see all the alumni get together more frequently – it’s always nice to meet new brothers – younger and older.”

Patrick is married to Kathleen (Garibaldi), a U of I Tri Delta. He works for Duff & Phelps, LLC, an investment bank. In his spare time he enjoys coaching for a youth baseball program, playing softball and flag football, hunting, and fishing.

Brothers may contact Patrick at either or 312-697-4665.

This brief Q&A interview is part of an ongoing series designed to help us get to know our brothers better. If you know a brother you think would make a good profile subject, please send his name and graduation year, along with your name and grad year to our alumni relations service: Make sure to mention that it’s for Alpha Tau Omega, Illinois.

Posted in ATO Alumni News, Profile.

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