David Roberts ’81

Q) Why did you join?

A) Being the oldest in my family and not knowing much about college when it was time to decide where to live, my mom described the fraternity as compared to the dorm. The fraternity deal sounded much better.

Q) Tell us about your favorite memory of the fraternity

A) Food fights, Road Rallies to pick parking spots for the year, Fixing up room #2, intramural sports, walk out

Q) What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?

A) During rush we used to have a saying douche bags breed douche bags. It has always helped me in making choices about some things that are close but not just right and the value of patience in waiting for the right situation. Also as president I learned that as a leader of an organization, the way to raise everyone else’s level of motivation was to raise your own.

Q) With whom do you still stay in contact? Who would you most like to find?

A) I see David Tuescher / Would like to find Jim Thompson and John Geiser

Q) Tell us about your family: Have you married? Do you have children?

A) My wife Kristal and I have been married since 2000 We have 2 kids Samantha born 2002 Danielle born 2004

Q) What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days?

A) I can’t remember anything other than several house offices, Rush chairmen and president. I loved living in that house!

Q) What is your nickname?

A) Robo

Q) Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them.

A) Pledge year with Brian Rohrs, Dan Sullivan and someone else, then I petitioned room 2 and spent the entire summer redoing it. I stripped the doors and molding and re-stained it down to the original wood. I live there until my senior year second semester and moved into a house on Dawson drive with dean McAllister, Jim Thompson and someone else. We called the place HEAVEN on Awesome Dawson Drive.

Q) What do you do for a living?

A) I am a dentist who takes out wisdom teeth www.robertsdds.com.

Q) What affiliations do you currently have and/or public service do you participate in?

A) Various dental organizations (will be president in 2006 of NTDS) Republican Party of Dallas

Q) What hobbies do you enjoy?

A) Tennis and my family

Q) What are your goals for the next few years?

A) Enjoy my life my wife and kids… I got a late start with a family and have achieved most, if not all, the professional goals I have had since age 14.

Posted in ATO Alumni News, Profile.

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