Category Archives: ATO Undergrad News
Gamma Zeta Alumni Undergrads coordinate Mock Interview Day in Chicago with alumni
On Monday afternoon, January 12, Gamma Zeta undergrad Ben Volk ‘16.5 coordinated a Mock Interview Day at the Illini Center in Chicago. Each undergrad had the opportunity practice their interview skills and refine their resume with the support of experienced alumni. Here’s a link to pictures.
Thanks to Ben for coordinating a great event and special thanks to the following alumni and undergrads who participated.Continue reading
Congrats to undergrads on “Taking Holiday Decorating to Another Level”!
We’re first one on the list. Looks very cool. Great job guys!!
Check out this article – These 11 Frat & Sorority Houses Take Holiday Decorating To Another Level
2014 Gamma Zeta Scholarship Winners Announced at Homecoming

Dane Luhrsen ’77 and Bill Barry ’77 present Gamma Zeta Scholarship certificates and checks at Homecoming 2014
Gamma Zeta alumni have created seven scholarships with an endowment of over $500,000 awarding nearly $20,000 per year to Gamma Zeta undergraduates. Criteria include academics, community service and leadership. We have an outstanding scholarship committee which includes:Continue reading
Mike Anastasia ’88 Leads House Service Weekend
Mike Anastasia ’88 and Greg Scott ’76, House Corporation President put together a list of projects for the undergrads to do around the house in order to fulfill sanctions. Mike supervised on site and Undergrad Parker Pevitz helped corral the troops and they had a productive weekend continuing to make the house look better than it has in years. Thanks guys!!
Gamma Zeta’s Moms, Alumni and Undergrads team up to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
We recently received a nice thank you and acknowledgement letter from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society addressed to our undergraduate president Jimmy Kowalczyk for ATO’s donation of $6,360. This donation is a direct result of the silent auction that our undergraduate members coordinated at Mom’s Day last spring. THANKS to all of our ATO moms who participated in that event and made generous donations.
Also, Dante Cicone ’02, Joseph Patrevito ’02.5 and Justin Ross ’02 were all members of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Poker Run Organizing Committee for the fourth strait year and played key leadership roles in assuring the success this past August of the event that raised a record $87,000 for the society. In their four years of leadership, they have raised $245,000… $21,000 of that has come directly from Gamma Zetas. Charlie DeFranco, Christian Barron and Parker Pevitz, ATO Gamma Zeta undergrads volunteered and helped support Dante, Joe and Justin on the day of the event.
LLS helps blood cancer patients live better, longer lives.
- in the 1960s a child’s chance of surviving leukemia was 3%, today, 90% can expect to survive into their adulthood
- since the 1960s Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients rates have more than doubled to 88%
Amazing breakthroughs are happening every day from the support from the money raised at events like the Poker Run.
This was a great example of ATO Gamma Zeta parents, alumni and undergrads coming together to support a great cause. We hope to build upon this fantastic example in the years to come and do it even bigger next time.
Awesome job guys!!
A Mom’s Day Perspective…
This note came in to Dave Krug ’96 who is one of the leaders of the current renovation efforts going on at the chapter house from Kelley Schwartz, Andy Schwartz’ ’15 mom.
April 9, 2014
Good Afternoon Dave,
I wanted to let you know what a wonderful surprise it was to see all of the improvements going on at the ATO House. It definitely made it my best mothers’ weekend yet! During the auction and at a dinner later in the evening, I heard many of the other moms saying the same thing. Thank you so much for taking charge of this huge project. Continue reading
J.D. Sinnock Scholarship Awarded to Jack Vadeboncour ‘13
Jack Vadeboncour ’13 was announced as the winner of the 2013 J.D. Sinnock Scholarship and received a check for $1,000 at Chapter on March 31. Jack has just begun his studies towards a Masters in Accountancy at the University of Illinois this spring. He’s a former treasurer of the Gamma Zeta Chapter and most recently as a senior, lived in the house and drove an important scholarship initiative among the membership that was influential in the chapter jumping 20 spots in the fraternity GPA rankings this past fall. Congrats Jack!! Thanks again to Dave Seiler ’77 and the Gamma Zeta Scholarship committee for administering this important scholarship program.Continue reading
Introducing Gamma Zeta January 2014 New Initiates
On February 10, 2014 Gamma Zeta active members and alumni gathered to initiate our newest class, most who will graduate in 2017. ATO National CIO Wynn Smiley was there to show support along with alumni Jim Dobrovolny ’70, Greg Scott ’76, Jack Klues, Dane Luhrsen, Don Armstrong and Dave Seiler, all 77’s, Dave Krug ’95 and Jeff Eversden ’05.
This is a talented group of guys who came in with a GPA for this past fall of 3.19, which was above the Chapter, Fraternity and All Men’s averages.
Welcome guys!!! Keep up the great work.