Day 1

Joe and I landed yesterday at 1 PM in San Pedro Sula. After waiting about an hour to get through customs, we finally walked to see Seth waiting for us. We met up with our whole group and packed the bus. Our bus took approximately 5 hours to get to La Esperanza, a small village in the mountains. Along the way, we made two stops for snacks. I was surprised to find out that most places actually accept US dollars as a form of payment. After finally arriving at Hotel Mina, which by the way is very nice and spacious, we unloaded all of our belongings and medication. Afterwards, we proceeded to Rhonda’s mission. Rhonda and her husband T.R. greeted us and provided us with dinner. Around 8PM we made our way back to the hotel and shortly after I went to sleep.

Today we started our day at 10AM by eating breakfast at Rhonda’s mission. Our whole group, besides Joe and I, are from Georgia. Therefore, we ate a large plate of grits along with our eggs. Following breakfast, we began unloading and sorting all the medication we will need. This week we will visit 4 villages, our only off day will be Wednesday. After sorting the medication for 5 hours, we were done for the day. Joe and I, along with Devon (the only other student in our group) went to La Hacienda for some authentic Honduran food. We also walked around the center of the town, which was really nice. Then at about 5:45 we made our way to Rhonda’s mission for a second dinner, which also consisted of authentic Honduran food. Of course,these meals include the Latin American staples of rice and beans, but on top of that they also include goat cheese and fried plantains, which I both really enjoy. Following dinner, Seth talked about tomorrow. We are waking up at 6 to load the bus with medication and then grabbing breakfast at Rhonda’s before setting off to Cacao, a remote village about an hour away. I am really looking forward to helping these people.

Till tomorrow,

We stopped here for some mini bananas.

We stopped here for some mini bananas.

This is our view outside of our hotel.

This is our view outside of our hotel.

Authentic Honduran food. Rice, beans, guacamole, fried plantains, and goat cheese. It was delicious.

Authentic Honduran food. Rice, beans, guacamole, fried plantains, and goat cheese. It was delicious.

Posted in 2015 Honduras, ATO Undergrad News, Community Service.

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