Congrats Ron Henson ’60

Ron Henson '60

Ron Henson ’60

Congrats to Ron Henson ’60 who recently won the WI Sr Olympics for the 2nd year in a row winning both races he entered, a 10k Time Trail and a 20k Road Race. Last year he set a new State Record…this year he missed it by just 4 seconds.

This qualifies him for the National’s, in Minneapolis, July 2015. These Olympics have 22 disciplines such as track and field, archery, and weightlifting. They start at age 50 and awards are given in 5 year increments…so Ron competes with everyone, but will win (or lose) in his 75-79 age group.

Ron just started biking 11 years ago at age 65 so there’s still hope for all of us!! Thanks to Ron for the inspiration and good luck next July at Nationals!!

Posted in Announcements, Congrats.