Congrats Ben Rear ’12 and Leah Seiler!!

Last night in Champaign, Ben Rear ’12 married Leah Seiler. Congrats Ben and Leah!! Leah is the daughter of Dave Seiler ’77 and granddaughter of John Seiler ’54 so the wedding brought together three generations of Gamma Zetas. Too bad that Leah’s great grandfather Rex ’21 who was also a Gamma Zeta couldn’t be there or it would have been a four generation gathering! Leah’s brother Cam who is an ATO from Purdue was there. Pictured are first row Dave Seiler ’77, Dane Luhrsen ’77, Don Armstrong ’77, John Seiler ’54. Second row Cam Seiler (Purdue), Hisham Alhreish ’12, Ben Rear ’12, Dale Jarosz ’12 and Stu Meacham ’78


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