One of the projects needing my attention, as the new House Corporation President for our Gamma Zeta Chapter, was to review and update our corporate Articles of Incorporation and corresponding Bylaws.
As best I could see from records passed down to me, these important documents had not been reviewed since 1968.
Jack Klues, Current GZ Board Of Trustees Chairman, and I believe we needed to hire outside legal expertise as well as engage counsel of ATO National Headquarters and its wholly owned Chapter House Management Company named The Richmond Group.
These expert resources have explained to us that we need not amend/revise our Articles of Incorporation that were first drafted in 1938 and filed with the State of Illinois.
However, we were advised to make one substantive change in our Bylaws.
That change was in regard to ( Article XIV , Sections A and B) regarding “ Dissolution of The Chapter”. Please review the element carefully as it is an addition to our existing Bylaws and deals specifically on how the House Corporation would manage our Chapter House Closing and hand over of the physical plant and its property assets to the Richmond Group/ ATO National Headquarters. Here is a link to the proposed Bylaws for your review –…/…/ATO_BYLAWS_REVISIONS_OCT12-2.pdf
Note: We have no plans to close or dissolve the chapter and hope that there is never a need to exercise this clause. The chapter is strong, having recently won the ATO National True Merit award two years in a row.
This proposed change requires that it be brought before all Alumni members of the Gamma Zeta Chapter who remain in “good standing”. National HQ tells us that “good standing” means all would have made regular donations and/or paid annual alumni dues as well as those who elect to remain actively engaged with Chapter activities at some level.
As such, you are receiving this email and are asked to reply to me at with your rejection or endorsement of this Bylaw change within 5 working days of receipt.
With Alumni Communications VP, Dane Luhrsen, we also will post this Bylaw vote request on our Gamma Zeta Social Media channels with same reply request within 5 working days.
A non response will be considered a vote of endorsement.
Thank you for your time and attention.
L and R
Jim Bremhorst
House Corp President
Thomas Arkle Clark Chapter Memorial Inc