Chris Kenessey ‘97 climbs for Dwankhozi-Hope

chris kenesseyThis past August Chris Kenessey ’97 set out to climb to the summit of the tallest mountain in Europe, Mt. Elbrus. Not impressed yet? Mt. Elbrus towers 18,510 feet above the earth, which is over 4,000 feet higher than our own Mt. Rainier.

Still need some convincing? How about this: Chris is climbing to raise money for Dwankhozi Hope. This is the THIRD mountain he has climbed to support DH. His first two expeditions raised $11,000 to help construct school buildings, and this latest fundraiser raised another $11,000 for Dwankhozi Hope! With this being his third mountain climb fundraising expedition, he’s raised over $20,000 total for Dwankhozi! Great work Chris!!!

I survived the attack without the attack

Tom McGarrity '77

Tom McGarrity ’77


by Tom McGarrity ’77

… last fall I had a very lucid, vivid and powerful dream. It had to do with the atmospheric dome collapsing on the earth and my needing to hold up the dome in order that we not all suffocate from lack of oxygen. During that night and for the next few days I felt noticeable discomfort with my breathing. that was the night before my dear friend, Florence, entered the hospital for the last time. and in the end, it was her lack of oxygen that led her to the celestial realm. I couldn’t help but tie the dream and her departure together. But later in the year I began having considerable trouble with my respiratory system.Continue reading