Gamma Zeta class of ‘18 held its 1st Annual post-graduation career fair this Sunday at the Alpha Tau Omega chapter house at the University of Illinois. With an impressive turnout of over 60 active members, the class of 2018 had 10 recent graduates make the trip back to Champaign to give a presentation on the career path we have forged in less than a year after graduating. We wanted to get in front of the active members to not only be a resource for them but also to start a tradition that we hope every recent graduate class will partake in so we can continuously offer a helping hand to our brothers that are still in search of their degrees. The power of this fraternity spans far past the 4 years spent in school – it provides opportunities and bonds that serve a lifetime’ – Kevin Johnson ’18
I also wanted to give a shout out to Raven and the current active members. My fellow pledge brothers and myself were blown away by the amount of guys who showed up for this along with the attentiveness they showed throughout the 2-hour presentation.