Hello Gamma Zetas,
For over 25 years Gamma Zetas have been gathering in Chicago for our annual buy a brother a beer, post work “Holiday Happy Hour”. This tradition was started by the class of ’80 but has spread to all Gamma Zetas over the years. It’s a great and easy opportunity to get your own class together while at the same time crossing over to connect with Gamma Zetas from your era and others. Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, December 19
Time: 4:00 PM – ?? PM (stop by any time)
Location: Porter Kitchen & Deck
150 N. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL
(great location… same as last year… just a couple blocks to trains)
Cost: Cash bar plus a $20 donation to cover the cost of the minimum and some appetizers
So, mark your calendars and plan to stop by to say hello. Reach out to your brothers and let them know that you’ll be there and that you’d like to see them… not everyone is on my email list (or reads it if they are so need your help spreading the word!)
Note: Porter (https://porterchicago.com/) is one of Matt Menna’s ’93 very cool Four Corner’s Tavern Group bars/restaurants… same as last year. Matt promises to make sure there are some great appetizers set out for us!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on December 19!!
Dane Luhrsen
Gamma Zeta ’77
Director of Alumni Relations
Editor Gamma Zeta News