Gamma Zeta ATO Internship Program

matt massucciMatt Massucci ’96, Partner and Co-Founder of Hirewell has graciously agreed to oversee our Gamma Zeta undergraduate internship matching program again this school year. We launched the first ATO Internship program last spring, and made some great progress. The program kicked off late in the year, but was still able match up four undergrads with local companies.  MB Financial, Belmont Bank, TJM Development, and Hirewell all brought on current Gamma Zetas as interns.  The investment is modest – your company will spend no more than $2000 – $3000.  This is an excellent way to build your company’s talent pipeline, and identify entry level hires.

We are going to approach this year’s program in a slightly different manner.  We found that some companies hire interns in the fall semester.  If you don’t have a formalized process and would prefer to wait, we will follow up in the spring.

Here’s what we are looking for:

  • Are you hiring interns?
  • When is the interview process?
  • What Skill sets / majors are you seeking?
  • What other requirements do you need?
  • Who is your contact person?

Please email your responses to these questions directly to Matt at

We’d like to offer a special thanks to Bill McCarty ’79 (Belmont Bank), Ben Warriner ‘00 (Morgan Harbour) and Jack Klues ’77 (Leo Burnett/Publicis, Starcom, Vivaki, Razorfish/Digitas) for passing on information about internship opportunities at their respective companies already. We can use more… please keep them coming!!

Thanks – and don’t hesitate to follow up with specific questions/feedback. Here is Matt’s contact information:

Matt Massucci ‘96
Partner and Founder
P 312.386.1099 | F 312.794.7613
20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2420 | Chicago, IL 60606

Posted in Announcements.

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