Bill Masters ’65

William MastersWhy did you join?

Comraderie – word of mouth from hometown friends.

Tell us about your favorite memory of the fraternity

Odie. Frosty, our Samoyed mascot, and his amorous tendencies. Interaction among Pledge class.

What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?

Developed and enhanced my social/interpersonal skills so important in my life. Values to drive or evaluate behavior.

With whom do you still stay in contact? Who would you most like to find?

Kenny Brown has come in out of my life over the years. Will send Rocky Cook email shortly. Rich Calaghan’s whereabouts has been a mystery.

Tell us about your family: Have you married? Do you have children?

Married going on 37 years. Two boys – Bill III, yuppie; Bob – Latter day Hippie – on the Vail slopes every day they’re open. Grandson Bill IV who wants to be a Sailor “just like Pop.”

What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days?

More when I returned from my “Junior Year Abroad” (Vietnam) than when I was an ILLINI. Many honorary fraternities and veteran’s groups

What is your nickname, if applicable, and how did you get it?

Baghed – I’m really not sure – hopefully one of my Pledge class can enlighten us – may have been my propensity for sleep

Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them.

Yes – many roomies – when Freddie had the birds was most memorable – their ‘evidence’ seemed to focus in my part of the room

What do you do for a living?

Still in Navy Reserves – Secretary of the Navy said it was OK for me to stick around a couple extra years, Retired from Federal Govt position, Dabble here and there in this and that.

What affiliations do you currently have and/or public service do you participate in?

Veterans groups, Community groups, Yacht Club

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Primarily tennis and boating

What are your goals for the next few years?

Retire (again) in about a year – currently recalled to active duty. Stay healthy. Spend REAL time in the Caribbean on the boat

Posted in ATO Alumni News, Profile.

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