RG Swedo Outing ups scholarship total to $250K. John Bucklar ’96 team wins Heldman Trophy!

11863238_400999946772543_8253878986969153616_nWe just wrapped up the 14th Annual R Gregory Swedo ’96  Foundation Golf Outing.  We had over 110 golfers + a great group of volunteers.  Based on our bar tab – it looks like everyone had a great time….
In total – we raised over $10k, putting our 14 year total ​at​ $250k.  We awarded our 11th scholarship this year!​
​We added a new twist – awarding the Matt Heldman Trophy – to the highest finishing ATO team.  In total, we had 25 ATOs play, and 10 of the 27 4somes were in the hunt for the trophy – including 4 undergrads (special thanks to Bill Barry ’77 for sponsoring the undergrad team).
Congrats to John Bucklar for winning this year!  The​re​ was a 3 way tie at -15, which included​ John Bucklar 96, Brian Grady, Andy Clark, and Chip Aubry​.  They lost in the 150 yard shoot-out by about 2 feet, and finished 2nd overall.​  ​John also did a phenomenal job putting together a video with pictures and music full of mid 90s classics.​  Here’s a link –

For anyone that knew Greg, it is a must watch.​

Mark your calendar – next year’s event is tentatively scheduled for 8/27.  We definitely need another 10-20 ATOs next year.
Thanks again to our volunteers & sponsors:
– Pat & Jenny Kernan
– Amanda Massucci & Mike Wokosin
– Brian Welch – State Farm
– Massucci Blomquist Anderson and Dunn
– Bevery & Doug McMillen-Reid Family
– John McMillen & Laurie Hutchings & Family
– Hirewell
– Sayers
– William A Randolph
– CMC Advisory
– Chicago Beverage System
– Commonwealth Bar
– Schultz
– Lakeshore Beverage
– Sierra Nevada
– Careerbuilder
– Reliable Computer
Here’s a link to a brochure with additional info about the event – RGS Brochure Final 2015
See you next year!

Matt Massucci ’96

Posted in Announcements, ATO Alumni News, Community Service, Congrats.

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