ATO Gamma Zetas Celebrate Homecoming on October 26

jackGamma Zetas from the class of ’63 through our newest pledges all celebrated Homecoming at the Chapter House this past weekend. Here are a few comments from those who attended…

“We had a great time at the reunion. The lunch at the house was good and we were all glad that there is a evolving plan to fix up the house. Thanks again for your help in putting this together.”

Dave Cameron ‘63

“I had a great time. It was a whole different world this year than last year. I watched so many positive things happening while we were there. I was able to meet and talk with the young actor I’m mentoring. I also met an architectural student and his mother that I will try to connect with Doug Mayoras ’73 from my class who is an architect. I’m sure there are similar connections like this that happened with others there as well. I truly appreciate all the time and effort going into bringing the house -and its members-closer to their full potential. The possibilities are endless.”

Alan Dysert ‘74

“Guys I thought everything went great yesterday. What a long way we have come in one year! Dave (Seiler) ’77 and Jack (Klues) ’77 did a great job with their presentations. I met the parents of one our juniors who majors in architecture. The dad and mom were 85 grads( dad an AGR; mom a Pi Phi). The dad was in shock about how nice the house looked. Two years ago when his son pledged he said it was a disaster. I know we still have a long way to go but what you guys are doing is making a difference. It would be great to have a big turnout of alumni next year (especially with our football team being so good.)”

Bill Barry ‘77

Posted in Announcements, ATO Alumni News.

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