3rd Annual Last Tau Standing NFL Pool Announced for 2016

Lasttaustandingtrophy1 (1)Enter the 3nd Annual 2016 “Last Tau Standing” NFL Survivor Pool today!!

  • Test your NFL picking skills against Gamma Zetas of all ages and around the world.
  • Make a donation to the house (we’re splitting the pot 50/50).
  • Take a chance of winning a great pot (last fall’s “Last Tau Standing” NFL Pool winner’s share was over $3,000!! and we think this will be even bigger!!)
  • Get your name on a very cool trophy which will be displayed forever in the chapter house that you can show off to your children and grandchildren in the years to come!!
  • Most importantly earn bragging rights over Gamma Zeta brothers young and old!

Here are the rules.

  1. Make a $100 Donation for each entry by completing the form below.  You may submit multiple entries.  Just be sure to donate $100 for each entry.
  2. You’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions to register and enter your team with our pool manager runyourpool.com.

You can join the pool and enter picks up until the Week 1 pick deadline on Sunday, September 11th at 1:00pm ET.

Pick Settings

  • Entry deadline: Sunday, September 11th at 1:00pm ET. – pool starts in week 1 and goes through the regular season – 17 weeks… for those who are still standing!
  • You may enter multiple teams but must make a $100 donation for each team.
  • You pick one team to win each week.  If they lose, you are eliminated (note: no Mulligans this year!)
  • You must get your pick in by the weekly deadline – before the first game each Sunday.
  • Early games must be picked before they start.
  • All picks will be hidden until the game has begun (for early games) or the until the first game on Sunday.
  • Any NFL team may be picked only once during the regular season.
  • Ties are handled as a Win.
  • When you don’t enter a pick on time, Runyourpool will Automatically assign the biggest available favorite as your pick for the week.
  • Last Tau Standing is the winner of the pot!


  • Split 50/50 between ATO Gamma Zeta Annual Fund and winner.

Make your donation by clicking on the “Add” button (Note: after clicking Add, you can choose how many teams you’d like to enter), completing the form below and then click on the “Donate” button.

Posted in Announcements.

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