Using Linkedin

LinkedInGroupsMany people view Linkedin as a tool for those already well into their careers.  However, there can be tremendous value for undergraduate and graduate students as they are just beginning their job search.  Gamma Zeta ATOs have the additional advantage of a large and active private Linkedin Group and several subgroups by industry.  Gamma Zeta ATO members in these groups are happy to help students and each other with insight into particular companies and careers and introductions to others who can help.

To take advantage the first thing to do is to create a Linkedin Profile.  Here’s a link to an on-line article with tips in what should be in a student’s profile .

Once a profile is created, the next step is to join the ATO Gamma Zeta Illinois group and subgroups of interest.  Here’s a link to the ATO Gamma Zeta Illinois linkedin group .

Finally, familiarize yourself with linkedin.  Learn how you can search for individual names, job titles and industries to identify Gamma Zeta brothers who you’d like to meet.  Reach out to these guys respectfully and request a time convenient for them to talk.  You’ll find that the members are knowledgeable, generous with their time and happy to help.


Posted in Mentor Program Tools.

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